Thursday, October 21, 2010

Canada has candy too! The Candy Store.

Well, hello cameo! What? What's that? You can barely see me in the mirror behind all that wall of awesome goodness...I don't blame you. haha!
Love the way they package things. I am a nerd for things like that. And the fun!
As much as I could have shot there all day, the lighting was super glowy and dim. It was to make you feel cozy about buying a lot of sugar, but not conducive to a photographer trying to not draw attention with a flash! I didn't want to be kicked out of what had to be a window into what heaven will be like! ;) hahaha!


Heather said...

Ok, that is amazing. I also see it is in Canada which is very sad for me.=)

Lori said...

Sorry...I didn't know how to tell you it wasn't in Vegas, so I thought I'd let the Canadian flag do the talking. :) haha!

The Cairns Family said...

Wait are you in Canada? If so where we are in Calgary. Although I don't know that candy shop so I bet you aren't here. Hope you are having/did have a great trip!!!!

Erinna said...

oh YUM! I saw a few shops like this when I was travelling in Europe and the USA - but we dont have many like that in Australia! Now, I really wish we did!