I have a lot of folks ask me about what kind of Photoshop editing I do. I try and do as minimally as possible. I won't remove a mole or a bunch of freckles, because, that makes you, YOU. ;) But I will get rid of zits and maybe if you have some dark circles under your eyes. I will also add a little flair to your photos if I see a pattern of it developing as I edit your pictures.
But again, I try and do as little as possible with obvious editing to your photos. What I mean is, I want photos to look like they were never touched by Photoshop. Girls, just like when you first started to wear make up and you would douse it on so the world knew you had make up on, and it wasn't until your mom or big sister saw what you were doing to your probably wonderful natural beauty and taught you, less is more and only enhance what you have! I take the same approach with editing photos. When I add Photoshop techniques, I don't try to hide it. I won't make a person's pupils bigger or try and make them skinnier, or take off a layer of a double/triple chin. It takes away from the truth of what I just captured and where the subject was at in their life at that moment.
Here and there I like to take some creative license and add a little more flair to a photo for fun. If some of that fun is added, it will always be obvious.
Take a look at one of Rachel's photos. I did a side by side so you could see what I mean. The photo on the left is straight out of camera, and on the right, after I did my usual edits in Photoshop.I just bumped up the color a little, got rid of a small blemish, made some of the lines a little crisper and BAM! Done. :)
I know I keep saying it, but I have a lot more to share. It's a-comin'!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Editing Photos...how I do! ;)
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Rachel J....Anytime!
Rachel is super awesome, because she would do whatever I wanted and more! I totally love the fact that she didn't mind all the "super great non-scary people" that are downtown. Especially near the court house and bus station. Oh man, if you want adventure, come do a photo shoot with me downtown! Aaaand here we go.
The next two are my FAVORITE! Loooooove these two, especially together!
Rachel did not let the wind keep her from doing her thaaang. Work it guurl! ;)
Love this series. So cute. Which means, so is Rachel! :) Duh.
This was a happy accident. I ended up really liking this over exposed picture. It helps that there is a super cute girl in the picture. I know. I know.
So, as we are walking around downtown, I see a cool set of stairs. Rachel goes and sits on them, and I suddenly hear banging. I look around kinda not sure where it's coming from. Aaaand then I remember, we are near the court house which means we are also near the jail. Scary men while in their C-E-L-L-S were banging on the windows at Rachel. Holy crap. Frightening.
Aaaand then promptly after we leave the jail area, we are standing in front of this lovely wall and Rachel does this thumbs up move to cars I can hear coming up from behind me. I turn around and it's a bunch of senior citizens (i.e. some of them were creepy old men)in a van gawking at Rachel. Gee Whiz, what have I done to this poor girl! hahaha! Luckily their light turned green and on they went.
There is one more unsung hero from this photo shoot. He was a purse and balloon holder. Body guard. Faulty bubbles inspector and he didn't say too many times how much he "hated his life." Thanks Mike. :)
And he totally held back from doing the below in all the pictures. He only did it in this one. I'm proud of you Mike. Thanks again!!