Monday, February 25, 2008

The Clooney

Yes. I'm talking about George Clooney.

I rarely, if ever, have blogged about a specific actor before. But I just read this article about George in Time Magazine. I was very impressed and became a bigger fan of who is as a person more than I was before. Not that I know him personally or anything. But anything that I've ever read of him or watched he is just a guy's guy and a girl's dream guy...and I'm just talking about personality alone! He is so self-deprecating in the most lovable, comfortable way. And rarely do I feel a man can pull it off the way that I think George can.

So after reading the article from the actual magazine, I decided to jump online to see if the article was online to point out to a friend (bonus: it is written by Joel Stein too, the couple of things that I've read of his, I've enjoyed). What is the coolest thing is that Joel Stein invites George Clooney over for dinner at his house for the interview!! I think that takes gust to do! It was a great article.

Well the main reason why I am blogging this is because of the video that is online with the article. If you decide to read the article, which I recommend, PLEASE read the article FIRST before you watch the video. It will make the video SO much more better than if you just watch the video first.

Here is the link. And here is a link of pictures from the article in the magazine and also not in the magazine. I LOVE photography! :)

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Think Different.

You know that saying, "an apple a day..."

Well, I am a consumer of apples.

No, not that type of apple, silly.

This type...

I realized the other day that I am a major fan of Apple and their products, as I use many of them. Included in that is my Mac. I use my iMac for my business. I work on a PC at my job but use my iMac at home and there is such a difference, I still appreciate PC but I just love my 24"-screen-awesome-Mac.

Well in the 90's, Apple came out with this ad. It is brilliant and I thought it might hit you again, like it did for me when I saw it the other day.

Now here is a "how they did it" video of the advertising company that marketed the ad "Think Different". Dude, Macs have come a long way in looking sleeker! :)

(side note: I needed a picture of an apple, and instead of looking for one on the web, I decided to take a picture of one myself, cus duh, I'm a photographer. And so I just grabbed an apple and took a quick picture of it, and well, I am just enjoying my picture of the apple, and wanted to brag a lil''s the little things for me, okay!!! :P)

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Kickin' it old skool!!

Sooo, this really awesome guy...

...gave me this really awesome thing when he was packing up his stuff to go away to school at BYU-I. I felt like I was taking away something waaaay too cool from him to give up. But he told me it didn't work that well so I should take it and see if I could make it work. So I did. And it only some what works, but works enough to be a TOTAL distraction.

I am a child from the 80's and it is totally apparent when I spend an 1-2 hours being completely distracted by the puppy. I feel like I should be wearing scrunchies, jellies, or three pairs of socks, shoulder pads and maybe acid wash jeans when I playing on this thing.

Hmmm, what other 80's things do I remember...

Sorry...totally distracted.

Anyway it is awesome!! :) They call it an "Entertainment System" and boy are they right about it being entertainment!! hahaha!

Here are the two games that I have been able to get to work and that I L-O-V-E!!!

So who is kickin' it old skool? Dude, it's me! :) hahaha!

Okay! Okay! I'm sorry!!!

I'm sorry I haven't been around lately. I have been dealing with quite a few things lately. I was scolded by a few people for having not updated in a while.

Well here is one of many reason why I haven't been around lately:

My 8 month old niece (who is now the size of a 12 month old!!) came to visit from Texas. She is adorable and a total sweetheart.

And yes, those cute chubby cheeks are very kissable! :)

So that is one of the many VALID reasons why I haven't been posting lately. I'll throw out some of the others soon! Promise!

Friday, February 22, 2008

I'm skippin' around town!

What does that mean you ask? Well check out a past post.

That should explain it.

If it doesn't...well...check back soon.

Monday, February 4, 2008


I found this up and coming new magazine called Eliza. It is a magazine that promotes modesty dress but is completely chic. It is not at all homely and is totally legit. It is very well made and very well put together.

As I dress a very modest (life)style, and I realize I'm trying to find this place where I understand what my style is exactly as it is starting to change. I am so grateful the creator and editor-in-chief of this magazine, Summer Bellessa, has the guts to create such a great magazine among the filth and worldliness of reading that is around us.

I just wanted to quote something she said in the most recent winter issue (cover seen above) of the magazine (it's kinda long but it's a good quote):

"With anything positive or popular you are going to have critics. ELIZA's have mainly come from a few media outlets who think there should only be two boxes: the crazy, judgmental, right-winged, wacko religious, narrow-minded, potato-sack wearing box and the hip, trendy, sexualized, half-naked box. Having two extremes might bring the ratings up but it leaves women without any real help. Combine that with the sea of tube tops and mini-dresses and it's easy to feel like the only one looking for something more wearable but less fashionable. ELIZA's success is proof that you are not alone. It is time to start asking designers to have you in mind when choosing the length of a hemline. And what exactly are advertisers selling when women are shown without clothes in an ad for clothes? The third box is full to the brim of women who are educated, creative, fashion-conscious, and on the hunt for clothes to feel comfortable in."

That quote is what made me decide to share this amazing magazine with all of you in hopes that you will share with others too, that modestly is and can be fashionable. I am tired of people trying to make me feel like I'm living a lifestyle that is dotty and old fashion. I feel like I am showing that I love my body and self enough to not HAVE to flaunt it. I know the saying, "if you got it, flaunt it!" I wish that people realized it doesn't have to be done in such a sexually charged way. I feel like I show what I have to flaunt in a very tasteful and modest way. And I'm all the better for it.

There is another quote in the magazine that I loved...

"dress shabbily and they remember the dress; dress impeccably and they remember the woman." - chanel

I know I won't always have impeccable moments, I can guarantee it, but I like the quote enough to want to be more put together, more often, for myself, to feel like I am being seen as a woman with character, personality and heck, charm ;) and not what I am wearing.

(if you can afford it, and like what I share with you, and you want to promote and support a modest lifestyle in fashion, please subscribe to the magazine to show your is a link to the website)

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Gordon B. Hinckley

As I've mentioned before, I rarely every talk much about religion on the internet. It is just something I don't really do. But I just wanted to publicly say what a wonderful example President Hinckley is. No one can say ill of him. What an amazing feeling to know that you lived your life is such a way that no one could say anything bad of you. He is such an amazing example of true love and devotion of good towards man.

I remember when he was called to be prophet and thinking as a teenager that I was so happy that here was this man full of wisdom and kindness, and yet he is still able to crack jokes. I knew then that he was the kind of prophet that we needed at this time.

I am blessed is so many ways and to be able to see, hear, learn and grown during the time when President Hinckley was prophet is one of my many blessings.

I was emailed a link to this tribute to the prophet. After the funeral I started to type up this post but wasn't sure if I wanted to post it. It was after watching this did I decide to post this.