Sunday, February 4, 2007


If I was going to show love to 'The Office' I had to show my love the for the show that I watched well before 'The Office'....


This show is so well written. It has great physical comedy. I love the format of the show: it has humor, it pokes fun at things with such great wit, but at the end of the episode, there is still a point about life that you really did learn something between all the joking and laughing and some times hurt and heart ache. And if that isn't life....I'm not sure what you are livin'.

I'd like to think that I roll that way. Laughing, joking, having fun for most of the time, but that I still have the ability to be human and learn from the mistakes and things that life throws out at you.

If you don't really know much about the show or watch it, please, this is for your own good. Watch it. Two words if anything as to why you should start watching it....

Zach. Braff.

Funny. The nerd look you grow to love. He gets better looking anytime I see an interview or read something or when he talks about his dog! He was on Martha Stewart's show for goodness graces! He made a food holder thingy for his dog. What's not to love.
I will follow this post up with a few clips from Scrubs: The Musical, episode.
It's the goods.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love Scrubs! And Zach Braff!