Monday, November 16, 2009

Another one bites the dust!

Aaaaand another year DOOOOWN! Take THAT life! I made it another year! And though there were some bumps and bruises (literal bruises, mostly on my arms...near veins) I made it pretty much with flying colors to my 29th year!!
I know that I would not be where I am at in this moment in my life if it wasn't for the love and support of my family and friends. This year has helped me realize more than any other time in my life how much I love and appreciate my family and even though they drive me crazy sometimes, I also wouldn't trade them in for any other family.

(sorry, i only have pictures of me with people. i searched and i'm never alone...with my niece Jordan right before my birthday)

Don't ask me why, and maybe I'll change my mind later,(I'm a girl, and I'll play the girl card at that time if called for)but I'm pretty excited to face my 29th year and I'm going to face it head on! I have so many things that I am ready to do as I ride out the last year of my 20's. I never thought that I would be as ready as I am to face my 30's. And even more so, ready to face them single, growing successfully professionally in many different aspects and vastly changing my outlook on life and the perspectives that I have held for so long. I never expected to learn and grow as much as I have this year. Even though I have my moments, like most of us do, I am so happy to be where I am at right now.

I love and appreciate all of you who visit my blog and choose to share in my journey!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

And just for an added fun note...this is what happens after you come to a Lori Wong Party...theme for this birthday party
"Ain't no Party like a Lori Wong Party, cus a Lori Wong Party don't stop!"
(no one was drunk, impaired or harmed while in this shot...they were just tired from all the awesomeness of a Lori Wong Party)


Tristan said...

Happy Birthday! You look very beautiful in your picture with your cute niece. I actually remembered your birthday and thought about you this year. I don't know what happened to last weekend. Did you ever come in town? If so, I'm sorry I missed you!
P.S. You sound so confident with the 30's approaching. You are brave! I'm scared to death of turning 30!!!

K said...

Hahahahaha! I love your Lori Wong party and the awesomeness that causes complete and utter exhaustion! NIIIIIIIICE! =) Wish I coulda been there! Happy 29th!!!! =)