Thursday, November 4, 2010

Interstate Sunset.

One thing I hate to do is ask those I'm driving with to pull over on the side of the road because I want to take a picture. I feel like I am keeping them getting to or from where they want to go a heck of a lot slower than they planned because of the lady with the camera. ;)

Well, this trip, I was driving all by my self. I was wishing I would get the chance to photograph the perfect sunset, with the perfect location, and the perfect sky.

Wish granted!

Here is a time line of what I was able to witness.

I started with what I thought was a good location, but wasn't exactly feeling it. There was...bite my tongue...too many mountains, too close. Plus, usually, this doesn't phase me, but people were gathering, watching me shoot. Awkward. haha!

So, I drove a little more.

And then, I found my spot. It was WIIIN-DY! But worth it.'s almost over.
Aaaaand gone.

We all know how much I love sunsets! I took a ton of pictures. It was kinda ridiculous. haha! I definitely edited myself for this post.


Kevin and Natali McKee said...

I love the sunsets, and clouds, and the skies too. My mom totally indulged me and would pull over so I could get the picture over and over. I loved that. ps, nice scene change. I like the sunflower and wheat looking one.

Heather said...

Beautiful!! You should send some in to They sell one piece of photography everyday from photographers and you get royalties. Those are amazing!