Monday, November 26, 2007

Thirsty much?

I drink a LOT. I am drinking, mostly water, all day long. I know this about myself, and others who are around me a lot know this too, but for some reason it was magnified again over the past couple of days.

I had dinner with my brother and sister the other night and they both had maybe 2 drinks at the most 3. I, on the other hand, had FIVE. Yeah. F-I-V-E!!

The floor and back seat of my car is full of empty water bottles. One time I finally cleaned out the trunk and back seat of my car after probably 4-6 months and I had, no joke 15-20 water bottles.

I also drink about 2-3 liters of water at work every day. Beside the sometimes o.j. that I bring from home, or the sometimes soda (usually refilled once or twice) from lunch.

Then this morning...I realized, I was drinking three different things at once. See look...

(and whole wheat toast for breakfast). I was drinking some mango drink in the Dasani water bottle. I was drinking that on my way to work. I just opened a fresh bottle of Fiji water when I came into the office aaaand I made myself a cup of hot chocolate because it sounded yummy and would be soothing on my scratchy throat.

So as you can see. I drink plenty. :)

1 comment:

Kevin and Natali McKee said...

Lori, I just saw Andrea put this link up on her Blog. It is nice to go through and see everything. How are you doing? How was it hanging out with Elizabeth? My blog is