Friday, August 8, 2008

Jon & Lindsay

Here are some more pictures of Jon and Lindsay's wedding.

And did I not tell thought the bride and groom was gorgeous! Look at their wedding party! All very easy to wink at! And SO much fun...if you want to know what I mean by fun...check out the picture at the end!

(I was having blog troubles and the next two pictures would not come up bigger, sorry!)

(someone is gorgeous!)

(how cute is one of Lindsay's nieces. She kept coming up in front of my camera, mid shot sometimes (if I was down at her level) and flash me that SUPER cute smile!)

See! They were a BLAST! My favorite is of Jon, sitting up on that bar. It just cracked me up!

Thanks guys for all the fun! It was an amazing time!


K said...

My fave is definitely the black and white of all the boys. Again, fantastic pix.

The Nicks Family said...

Gorgeous pictures!! I hope you will take our family pictures around Nov. So I can put them in Christmas cards :)

I had a question.....How do you get the pictures to upload bigger, like most of yours are? I have someone who wants to do bigger pictures, but I have NO clue how to! So if you know the secret :) Can you please share it?!!