Sunday, August 31, 2008

Catch Up!

Wow. It's been a while. Busy! Busy! This is just a bunch of stuff I've been meaning to blog about but haven't had the time. Totally random but here we go...

The Olympics
They are over now and I just don't know what else to watch on TV. BUT I can catch up on the sleep I lost from watching live sporting events! Sheesh! I was surprised by some of sports that I've never heard of before, or didn't realized it was an Olympic sport:

Equestrian. I guess there are different events within the sport but what I saw was basically horses dancing to music, it's call dressage. I happened upon it and was mesmerized by what was going on with man, horse and music. Crazy.

And the other sport that I didn't realized was an Olympic event was speed walking! I had NO clue that it was a sport. And that you can be booted from the competition if you don't have the right techniques because you could almost be running. I kid you not, I ended up watching the race for about an hour. I was just in awe! I had no idea.

The Gym
I realized the other day in the middle of my run on the elliptical machine that I didn't match what so ever. The worst part. I didn't even care. I'm at the gym! I'm sweaty and red in the face (most likely). If you are impressed by any of that, I'm sure you won't notice my lack of gym fashion sense.

Technology and such...
If you are like me, your bookmarks are out of control and not organized in any sort of way, and even though your list is a mile long, you know the websites you check out most are on that long ol' list...or you finally put them on your tool bar. Well, one day I just randomly decided to be proactive and organize my bookmarks. It lasted about oooh...7 minutes and I gave up. And then wish that I hadn't messed with them at all because now I have to get use to the new way I have it. Until I get the gumption to try and organize it again.

My iTunes/iPod needed to be updated badly. I had purchased new music and the only way to listen to it was to listen the cds in my car only because it wasn't on my iPod. I had about 5 to-go-lists that I had to sync and combine, move around and delete because I was so behind. I have finally updated, and all it right in the world again with my music.

My iPhone is another story...I haven't synced it in ages and well, it's been syncing for over an hour now. So my advice is to sync now and sync often.

I'm a bad i[blank] owner, basically it was it comes down to.

For about a week my wireless mouse was acting up. I was getting pretty frustrated. I changed the batteries. I would turn it off when I was not using it as recommended and such. Well my rolly ball scroller was NOT working. It would go up, but it would not go down. You don't realize how much you use things, until you can't use them anymore. Well my friend Kates (as I call her) to the rescue. On her advice, I took the batteries out, turned it upside down, and rolled the scroller up, down, left and right, all over a white piece of paper and blaaDOW! The gunk was out and it's working again.

More posts to follow...sorry, I've just been so busy and have had a LOT going on!

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