Friday, September 5, 2008


I don't normally do this, but I must. Mostly because she would kill me if I DID, and well that's reason enough. hahaha.

I L-O-V-E my dear friend Andrea. We met in the Redrock Ward when it was HUGE, years and years ago. There was a group of us that all hung out. Andrea was in that group. Well as one of my few friends from that group that is still single, I see her more often then everyone else. She is such a rock in my life. When I am being less than perfect (haha) she lets me know, puts me where I need to be and all the while still loves me the same. She is such an example to me in so many ways and I am so blessed to have her as a friend. One thing I love best about Andrea is her ability to do almost nothing and she makes me laugh into tears. She lets me be THE goofiest person I can be when I'm around her and will pitifully laugh at my jokes. Some of my best times are her and I heading some where or no where in a car. The destination isn't even as fun or eventful as the car ride is.

Well, Andrea finally skipped town to go to Ricks...ahem...I mean BYU Idaho. ;) (that was for some friends, they know who they are) I was desperate for some time with her before she left. Being the busy woman that she is, our hang out time became pretty random nearing the end. One night, we hung out starting at 11:30pm...until, well...I think around 3:30-4am. We were getting a little giddy and a little loopy near the end of that adventurous night all over town. Before we could go anywhere, I had to get some gas...I brought my camera with me. And well...

Then Andrea got to take over and get a picture...ahem I mean about 75 pictures in a matter of 5 minutes of me. She loved it. I'm sure it was revenge for how often I have my camera on her (and the rest of my friends).

And it was her birthday recently. Happy Birthday homie-g-funk-step-to-this-I-dare-ya!

I love so many things about you Andrea, I can't even begin to start. I am missing you already. I hope Idaho is prepared for it's food to be stolen off their plates without their consent or before they even know what has hit them. Thanks for just smiling at me with those extra cleaned teeth of yours, that exact way you always do that just makes me laugh out loud for no reason what so ever.

Love you boo. Oooh-kaaay! Shoooot.


About Me said...

That made me laugh and cry! Ahh I miss you wong! That was amazing! You are such a treasured friend and I love you so much.

Myra Bybee said...

I love this Andrea girl too! She is pretty great!