Thursday, September 25, 2008


I'm soooo excited! My second older sister that lives in Texas will be coming to visit during Halloween with my youngest niece! I'm super super excited to see them! My brother-in-law will not be able to come :( which is sad, but I will be able to see my niece (it's all about my niece! haha)!!

Here are some pictures of my niece on the last visit:

This is bath time (I know this picture is a little blurry, but seriously, look at her face! She is so stinkin' cute!)

This is when we got done with the bath, we are happy. I love this picture despite my big head is in it haha

And extra niece fun...I am seeing my two other nieces Saturday for the oldest's birthday. FIVE year old. Crazy! I will have pictures from that look out for it!

1 comment:

Kevin and Natali McKee said...

I almost forgot to tell you, okay I did forget till I saw the new post then I remembered. Remember when Andrea, You, and Me went to the Temple and took pictures. You had a black and white set and I just developed them. There are some of your family and dog and some good ones of us.