Thursday, April 29, 2010

Quenching that thirst.

I drink a LOT. I am part camel, I'm sure of it. On a good day I can probably drink about 5 liters of water. That doesn't include the glass or two of o.j. I probably drink in the morning, or the can of soda (sometimes two) I drink here and there at dinner.

Well there is a restaurant that my sister has to eat at whenever she is in town. Here is what they serve the drinks in.
I am in heeeaaven when they bring these jars out! And I think, "oh good, I won't be waiting forever for the server to come back around to fill up my empty glass." I can almost guarantee you that I can have probably 4 of those jars in one sitting.

It's the little things in life I tell ya!


Heather said...

So, what's the restaurant? We are always looking for new places. Hope you are doing great!

Tristan said...

That looks YUMMY!!! I'm curious what restaurant it is too.

Lori said...

It is Memphis BBQ. The one in Vegas, Heather, is off of Rainbow and Charleston. It's pretty good bbq. :)