Thursday, January 24, 2008

Congrats Kyle & Kristi!!

So my brother is getting married! He asked Kristi to marry him last night.
Here is where he asked her. Lani and I set up the scene for him while he took her out to dinner and kept her on her toes (meaning he stalled because we weren't exactly ready yet! yikes!)

I only had a few minutes to take a few pictures and didn't have a tripod on me, so I had to get a little creative on where to stabilize the camera, but here are a few.

I don't know if you can tell that the bags are in a shape of a heart.

Just a little close up of the amazing fire that I made. What!?! That's right, bring it! I paid attention at girl's camp! hahaha!

1 comment:

Kevin and Natali McKee said...

That is awesome!! Tell him I said Congratulations. Where is this, the view is nice.