Wednesday, January 2, 2008


I never talk about books that I've been reading or have recently read. I thought about this the other day so I am going to throw down some of what I have read lately. I read a lot of LDS books or by LDS authors. But I'm about half and half with the books listed below.

This was a while ago, but I still appreciate this book. It is a very short read, but then again it isn't. You will want to read it again, and you will not walk away thinking you wasted your time but quite the opposite. It will hopefully, as it did for me, bring up new ways of thinking and possibly ways of living.... As a Man Thinketh, by James Allen.

Okay. Okay. I got sucked in. I admit it. I followed the crowd. I read the Twilight Series.
I felt like a 14 year old while I read them too. Totally enthralled with the gentleman, romantic and gorgeous Edward. Who wouldn't!?! Hello!! Vampire or not, he is the perfect man! :) haha! There is one more book according to the author, Stephenie Meyers that is geared towards Edward and Bella, but not the end of that world. If that makes sense. I don't think that book will come out until sometime late next year. Bugger. :/ haha. (there is a movie in the works too!!)

For the holidays I had a quick read as all his books are. Richard Paul Evans' The Gift. His books always make me get teared up. He's good at that! I like reading his books around the holidays because they help me get into the spirit of the season.

Before 'The Gift' I read this one...Dean Hughes' Saboteur.
I really like Dean Hughes. If you want an amazingly good and long series of books to read, dude hit up the Children of the Promise and the follow up series Hearts of the Children. Really good stuff. I was bummed when the books were over and both series have five books each. That's ridiculous to be bummed! haha! But back to Saboteur. I liked it but there was just a slight hint of cheesy in it. Especially when it came to the main character Andy Gledhill's love interest, Whisper. But I think that is bound to happen here and there in any love/war story right?!?! :)

The book I'm reading right now is Boyd K. Packer's That All May Be Edified. It is a collection of his talks. I'm still in the first chapter and I just love reading it. I think a lot of the reason why is because I can hear his distinct voice in my head as I read. Those of you who have heard Elder Packer speak know what I mean. He writes commentary about the talks you are about to read and it is just amazing.

Next on my long list is this book:
It's a pretty thin book, and I don't think it will be long of a read. I hope I don't get in trouble for saying that I've never read any C.S. Lewis. So this will be my first. I just can't bring myself to read the Narnia series. I don't think I ever will. :/ Sorry. hahaha.

If you got anything that you think I should read, let me know, I'll add it to the list and depending on how interested I am, it might get moved up on the list! :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I posted a list of books I read in 2007 and what's coming up for me in 2008. I think you would like some of those on there. Let me know if you have any questions about any of them.