Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Fresh & Easy

I'm lovin' this new lil' grocery store. They are pop up all over the place around the valley. There is going to be one right by my house too, so that's even more exciting...

Oh wait, I'm forgetting to tell you about Fresh & Easy!! Hellooo! Think of them as a simplified, super fresh, super cheap, super healthy grocery store.

(picture from their website)

Here is a link to their website...find one by you. Just go and take a gander, and I bet you will walk out with something cheap, healthy and yummy! :)

Thank me later! haha!


Myra Bybee said...

It is so crazy how many people are talking about Fresh and Easy! I just found it a couple weeks ago and looooovvveee it!

Kevin and Natali McKee said...

We have one close to us but I have never been in. I'll have to try it out.