Saturday, March 1, 2008

A new love in my life :P

Okay, I love this phone. Yes there are a few quirks that I don't like, but not anything that I think you wouldn't complain about with any new phone that you are trying to get use to right?! Right.

I'm admitting here and now, that my brain is not as sharp as it use to be. I am going to say that part of that is because I have a lot more going on in my life. And I'm talking about stuff like remembering to buy shampoo or not forgetting a friend's baby shower coming up this weekend. So to help with that, here enters in my iPhone! :) I have become a lot more organized upstairs because of what is in my hot lil' hands!

I love that I will never have to worry about being lost with my handy Google Maps Locator.

I love that I have the internet at my fingertips. It keeps me occupied while sitting in doctor's offices since I've been sick so much lately.

I love that the screen is so big.

I love that if I forget to bring my iPod I have my iPod on my phone as a back up.

I really love how text messaging looks on the phone. That I can keep track of conversations with one person at a time.

I could go on about the love but, I won't.

I will say my biggest complaint that has nothing to do with the phone, but everything to do with AT & T, is the reception at my house! GRRRRR! I have none! Because if you have the above pictures in the top left corner, this:

Not cool. That drives me crazy!!!

But I do really enjoy my new iPhone and all it's cool features and how I feel like my closet nerdiness (who am I kidding, it's not hidden we all know I'm a nerd) is satisfied by this small lil' device! :)

1 comment:

Myra Bybee said...

Andrea and you are both techie nerds!!!! :)