Thursday, July 31, 2008

Like when I was a kid...

I bought some cereal. I wasn't thinking about anything but that I wanted some sugary yummy Apple Jacks! :)

Well to my surprise, there is a TOY inside!! So toys are a lot more technical now. My toy involved electronics! We didn't get that kind of stuff as kids! Daaang!

Well this is what the front of the box showed.

Whaaat?! Dwight Howard? Wooooord!! He is going to count my steps! Sweeeet, right?! I was like a kid! I was excited for this stupid toy for no reason other than I was excited to buy a kid cereal that had a toy! How long has that been!!

So I open by box and plop! Out comes my toy! I didn't have to "work" for it! It was right on top! Now I'm crazy lucky! I open the little plastic wrap around it and whaaa?!

That isn't Dwight!

It's Toucan Sam and he is holding a basketball. As much as I enjoy Toucan...I was so bummed! I wanted it to be Dwight Howard on the cover of my free step counter! And then I thought, "Lori. Are you serious?" It's a toy that you probably won't really use, or forget about. But then again, I was as excited as a kid when I thought about getting the toy, why would it be any different in my disappointment.

I'm such a nerd sometimes...heck...all the time.

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