Sunday, December 9, 2007

I'm sick & tired of...

...being sick and tired!!!

I've been sick for a couple of weeks now. I've been to a few doctors now and I think I'm finally on the road to getting better but I'm still pretty bad off. It sucks!!

There are a few things I've discovered since being sick...some insights if you will. Let me just throw it down for you:

1) Puffs came out with an AMAZING new version of their already great tissue. Puffs with Vicks lotion!'s awesome.

2) I don't have specific music that I like to listen to while I'm sick. I'm working on it...So far I've discovered I enjoy...

Alicia Keys-As I am

I've also taken it back to...Coldplay-Parachutes

and just because we all know I can never go wrong with some Johnny...Continuum

But I am on a quest to come up with a good playlist for when I'm sick. I've discovered it is important to the healing process.

3) Another thing I've learned, do not watch "Planet Earth" if you want to take a lil' nap...but do watch it, let me explain:

This show will not let you close your eyes!! It is amazing. I am awed at every episode. If you go to Discovery Channel's website, you can see a bunch of stuff about the series. Please tell me that you have all at least heard of this show!?! If you have not, get on it. Christmas is coming, as you can see, they have dvds of the series. It is absolutely...dude...just watch it. Really. Seriously, in the middle of watching it, I was just thinking about how Heavenly Father thought about every little aspect of every living thing. Just the way animals help maintain each other's ability to live and that we are all here to continue that circle. And really also, that there are so many plants and animals that I've never seen before! Whoa. As you can see, I'm mind blown.

4) If you want people to back away from you for any reason while in a public place, start coughing. It's works when you want alone time in the tissues/paper towel/toilet paper aisle while waiting for your prescription.

5) My co-workers have made me come up with a sign if I'm having a hard time breathing during one of my coughing episodes. The most obvious sign is for me to bang on my desk with the palms of my hands. Now I'm not sure how they will really help me when I do that, but apparently they must have a plan they just haven't told me. I'm not going to ask what it is either! :) hahaha.

So that's what I got for now. I might come with some more later, I'm going to be sick for probably another week. I'm sure of it. Stupid sickness! Let's just hope and pray that all this will be over by the end of this week. I have a ton of shopping to do! blah!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really hope you get better soon! Being sick is no fun.

I got Daniel the Planet Earth series DVD for Christmas. I can't wait to watch it with him!