Saturday, February 23, 2008

Kickin' it old skool!!

Sooo, this really awesome guy...

...gave me this really awesome thing when he was packing up his stuff to go away to school at BYU-I. I felt like I was taking away something waaaay too cool from him to give up. But he told me it didn't work that well so I should take it and see if I could make it work. So I did. And it only some what works, but works enough to be a TOTAL distraction.

I am a child from the 80's and it is totally apparent when I spend an 1-2 hours being completely distracted by the puppy. I feel like I should be wearing scrunchies, jellies, or three pairs of socks, shoulder pads and maybe acid wash jeans when I playing on this thing.

Hmmm, what other 80's things do I remember...

Sorry...totally distracted.

Anyway it is awesome!! :) They call it an "Entertainment System" and boy are they right about it being entertainment!! hahaha!

Here are the two games that I have been able to get to work and that I L-O-V-E!!!

So who is kickin' it old skool? Dude, it's me! :) hahaha!

1 comment:

Jilene said...

sweet Lori!!! I LOVE that nintendo and I LOVE those games. I would be so addicted I wouldn't be able to take care of my kids! But Man, that sounds fun right about now!