Monday, February 25, 2008

The Clooney

Yes. I'm talking about George Clooney.

I rarely, if ever, have blogged about a specific actor before. But I just read this article about George in Time Magazine. I was very impressed and became a bigger fan of who is as a person more than I was before. Not that I know him personally or anything. But anything that I've ever read of him or watched he is just a guy's guy and a girl's dream guy...and I'm just talking about personality alone! He is so self-deprecating in the most lovable, comfortable way. And rarely do I feel a man can pull it off the way that I think George can.

So after reading the article from the actual magazine, I decided to jump online to see if the article was online to point out to a friend (bonus: it is written by Joel Stein too, the couple of things that I've read of his, I've enjoyed). What is the coolest thing is that Joel Stein invites George Clooney over for dinner at his house for the interview!! I think that takes gust to do! It was a great article.

Well the main reason why I am blogging this is because of the video that is online with the article. If you decide to read the article, which I recommend, PLEASE read the article FIRST before you watch the video. It will make the video SO much more better than if you just watch the video first.

Here is the link. And here is a link of pictures from the article in the magazine and also not in the magazine. I LOVE photography! :)


Myra Bybee said...

Beautiful inside and out! I am glad you enjoy pop culture, because I love it.

Lori said...

I was going to tell you that I checked out the website that for your pop culture addition and it's one of the "nicer" ones I've seen. Not so ...what's the word...trashy.