Saturday, January 20, 2007


This is Mandy.

When Kyle left for his mission, I soon realized that I missed having him around. The house was kinda empty with him gone. So I found a emotional replacement in Mandy! haha.
I got her at the animal shelter. She was about a year old when I took her home. I think it's been almost, if not two years now, that we have had her. She is a super sweet dog, but FULL of energy, way more bark then bite, aaand yes, I will admit, she is a little A.D.D. She is just crazy sometimes. She loves running around and playing fetch. She is really good at that. The only thing about Mandy that I feel so bad about is the fact that I don't know what happen to her the first year of her life. I think she was abused by a male because she can sometimes really get scared around guys. It makes me sad, the poor puppy.

She is an Australian Shepherd. My favorite thing about her which is also a REALLY bad habit that I have a hard time breaking her of is, when you stand over her and then pat your stomach she will hug you! She jumps up and just wraps her paws around you and when you start petting her, she leans in some more and just cuddles up to you. She is a great cuddler.

I get flack for naming her Mandy. She looks like a Mandy, well her name looked like it should end with a "y" so I we tried to think of names that ended that way. It is what ended up fitting her. I call her Mandy Moo a lot of the time, but I also call her Puppy and Naughty Girls, but I don't think she really knows that's not a good thing! Ha! Heck, she has a theme song too. Barry Manilow wrote Mandy about his dog right?! :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Daniel's dog (soon to be OUR dog) is named Holly. Go dog names that end in "y"!