Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Good Driver Test.

I don't know how many of you really know, but I get motion sickness. Sometimes more easily than other times. It's a bit odd. I never know if it will hit super fast or if it will not effect me at all.

There are few people that I call "good drivers" in my mind because most of my motion sickness comes from driving with other people. So if I am road tripping, I have to be the driver or be with someone that I feel is a "good driver" so that I can actually enjoy the road trip. Don't feel bad, my list consists of like 3 people of all the people I've driven with in my life. And they only made that list because consistently I've never had motion sickness from their driving. If I willingly let you drive my car while I'm riding shot gun, you have passed the test. But the true test is when I get off of an airplane and you still don't make me feel motion sick on the drive home.

Well one of those people is my sister Lani. She is just a good driver in general, not to mention she passes MY good driver test. So I am usually a passenger when we drive anywhere, especially on trips.

I remember we were driving home from Utah and usually the sun has already set and it's dark as we drive into Vegas. But this time we hit the sun setting. All I had on me was my point and shoot camera...and the picture is blurry because it was just too dark...but I had to get the colors of the horizon. This is straight out of camera.

It's amazing right?! Plus when I look at this picture (which, though blurry it grows on me every time I look at it) it reminds me of all the times Lani and I drive together. We turn the music up loud. We sing specific songs that we love to sing together. And I'm happy to be sitting in shot gun next to one of my big sisters that I love so much. And plus...I'm not feeling motion sickness so it's an even bigger bonus of awesome!

Happy driving! :)

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