Saturday, March 20, 2010

Taunting me with emails!

I love music.

I love live music.

There was one point that I was going to a LOT of different concerts within a year span...I went as far as Tennessee for 2nd row seats to a concert.

Well, I outgrew that phase...mostly. I still love live music and I still attend concerts here and there. I have tried really hard to not go to as many shows as I use to back in the day.

Well places like House of Blues, the Joint at the Hard Rock, Live Nation and Ticketmaster have been taunting me with emails left and right of all these different artists I would love to see live. The summer time is coming, it's standard of course. But I am holding strong and I'm not doing it!!

So to feel better about it all, I got nostalgic and found some old concert photos. My best seats (and therefore shots) were back when I was still shooting I don't have those right off hand. Except for this first one. I randomly found it mixed in with some old concert photos.

It was shot on film and scanned on a not so great scanner, so forgive the pixelation! This is back in the day with Maroon 5 tickets were only $15-20!! haha! Miss those days!

This is one of my favorite concert pictures and funny enough has no artist in it. It was also shot on my point & shoot camera. This is when I went to see Jet, which is one of my best concert stories!

I might have to try and find some more old concert photos! This was fun!


Tristan said...

Remember New Kids On The Block!?! That was my first concert ever and I went to it with you. Good Times!!!

Adventures in Healing said...

Oh man! Wanna go to Petapalooza? I get those same taunting emails. They are so hard to hold out on. Dang those LiveNation deals! Great great shots!!!!

Lori said...

Don't do it Heather!! Holy crap! I went to Petapalooza a few years ago. I felt like I was breathing in nothing but pet dander and stepping in pee and poop! I felt like taking 2-3 showers after it. Oh man. It wasn't worth it, no matter how much I loved who I went to see. And I have a dog, it's not like I don't like animals! Blech!

Tristan, I remember that concert like it was yesterday! :) Such GOOD times! I think it was my first concert too. If you don't count Sesame Street Live?! ;)