Monday, March 8, 2010

It's what I'm aaaBOUT! - Taking a drive.

I kinda enjoy taking a casual drive.

Actually, I would take a lovely early evening stroll, walking around a neighborhood any day over driving, but there are safety issues involved with walking around at night, especially alone, darn it. Plus, I'm cute, so I'm an easy target for getting stolen...kiddddding! ;) So to suffice, I like to drive around.

Well, I don't get to do that very often lately. I've realized how much I miss it. I like it as a way to think about things going on in my life. I like to listen to music that is a part of my life at the moment and just drive and think. It calms me down. I am able to regroup. I am reminded of how blessed I am. Sometimes I do it just to get out of the house. I love going at sunset or late at night when the roads are a little more empty.

I also looooove driving with the windows down when the weather is just perfect. I'm smiling just thinking about it.

One night, I was driving home after visiting a friend of mine. We hadn't hung out in a while. We chatted, laughed, cried, smiled, and just remembered why we need to do this more often. We both had recently had big things happen in our lives and we just felt a commendatory that we didn't feel anyone else understood at that moment. It was nice. It was a beautiful night. The stars were super bright. And the weather was oddly really nice for it being "winter". So I drove with my window slightly down and listened to music. Drives are just that much better when I am able to think about the conversation I had just had with a good friend.

I took the above picture with my phone to remember that night.

I enjoy taking a casual drive.

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