Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I seriously am THE luckiest most blessed girl ever! Part of that luckiness has to do with the fact that I have some pretty AMAZING friends. Some of my closest friends don't live anywhere near me. I have four friends that I share my life with through email because we don't live close by each other. Two live on the east side of the country and two live in Canada.

Well, we have never been together all at once. Here and there parts of the group have been together but never all at once. We finally said enough is enough and planned a trip, the first of many reunions!! The first trip we decided would be out to visit Kate in Ottawa, Ontario. Canada's capital! How awesome is that right?!

So we figured out dates and times and all that other junk that has kept us from finally having this reunion and we started to wing our way out to Ottawa...except one thing happened two days before the trip. One of the girls got sick, and not just sick. Pneumonia. Now that is a sickness you can't mess with. :( Needless to say, we were all beyond bummed out about this. We STILL were not all going to be together in one location. I'm still sad as I type it. :( We love you Marty!!

So unintentionally I was in a different photography mood on this trip. I shot a lot less from the hip and a lot more thoughtfully. And I have never taken more picture of food in my LIFE! ;) It was becoming obsessive and annoying as our stomachs growled waiting for me to get my shot. haha!

There is going to be a lot of different posts from my first trip to Canada. So expect a LOT of different post all about it. Here is the first one.

Oh and long story short we have an inside joke for the name of our emailing group it's "Everything Between White & Wong" or EBWAW for short. So whenever you see the above picture of the Canadian flag, you will know it's another installment of the trip. :)

We went to brunch, well, it became lunch...honestly, we had a hard time waking up that morning! It's in a quaint lovely small town that Kate lives in outside of Ottawa.

I love details. While we waited for our food to be made we went into their gift shop that was also apart of the restaurant.

The food was really good. And made fresh, on the spot. And we knew that because we saw them making it from the kitchen. I love places like this!

And lastly, the river and stone bridge right next to the restaurant. It was a beautiful day. (my wimpy friends were complaining that it was super hot, and it was only in the mid/high 80's. Dude. That is perfect weather for Vegas. I dream about that kind of weather! haha!)

A LOT more from the trip to Canada coming. :) I'm so excited to post more! I'm missing my girls a lot more as I have been going through the photos! Shout out to my EBWAW girls! ;)


Unknown said...

So amazingly beautiful!! Love these pictures! Miss you! You are so talented.

Unknown said...

those photos are amazing!!! i'm so glad i got to see what y'all did before i arrived :) you truly have a gift for photography... and hopefully photoshop when it comes to the photos of me ;) and thanks for the shot of kate's canada flag - just in time for canada day tomorrow! LOVE you and all the EBWAW ladies XOXOX

Tristan said...

I love the outdoor water pictures. What beautiful scenery! EBWAW! That's funny! Is one of the girls last name White?

Unknown said...

Super amazing pics!!

Suddenly I feel very hungry! :D